September 27

AP Reflection Space

Write your reflection here. Be sure to proofread for fragments and run-ons. Proofread, proofread, proofread!

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Posted September 27, 2012 by tashak38 in category Uncategorized

About the Author

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area--Big Up to the East Bay

72 thoughts on “AP Reflection Space

  1. Dan M

    I found this assignment easy, and I did better than I was anticipating on the first two parts. Maybe it was because I was taking my time and answering them at my leisure. On the third part, however, I found it monumentally easy. It seemed out of place with the others, and I may have been able to do it if I was in the sixth or seventh grade. It may have been because there were only two options, and no “distractor” answers.

  2. Destiny Bets

    Oct 1 2012
    period 5
    Ap English
    I always found English a pretty hard subject and a subject you definitely cannot fool around in. After taking these challenging tests, it helped me realize what i need to practice on and also showed me strengths and weaknesses. One of my weaknesses were the comma spice because I forgot what it was and grammar was always challenging for me, but all of these tests are definitely benficial in all areas.

  3. Quantiesha logan

    L .Quantiesha
    October 1,2012
    Period 5th
    Ap English
    My Relfection working with run -ons and comma splices was actually pretty good for me working with run -ons sentences and comon splices for the first time and having a high score on excercise 14 level one.

    Working on excise 14 for me was kind of a better sense of how each looked and how to correct them ,working with excercise 14 was al ittle confusing
    by the instructions because at first i didn’t really no what a comma splice was.But further along ms.Keeble throught out the excise i felt like i did great.

    My Relfection working with excercise 13 was for me was great because i only scored one point from excercise 14 ,in which to me I feel like i didn’t to so bad.In excise 13 to me was a little confusing but easy,tricky.

    My reflection on excercise 300 for me i didn’t have a better sense and how to correct the excercises .

    Lastly on excercise 420 i think i did instremally bad because thats where i struggled in the most working on run -ons sentences .This is something i would like to improve.

  4. Quantiesha logan

    L .Quantiesha
    October 1,2012
    Period 5th
    Ap English
    My Relfection working with run -ons and comma splices was actually pretty good for me for working with run -ons sentences and comon splices for the first time and having a high score on excise 14 level one.

    Working on excise 14 for me was kind of a better sense of how each looked and how to correct them ,working with excise 14 was al ittle confusing
    by the instruction because at first i didnt really no what a comma splice was.But further along ms.Keeble I throught threw out the excise i felt like i did great.

    My Relfection working with excise 13 was for me was great because i only scored one point from excise 14 ,in which to i feel like i didn’t to so bad.

  5. Bilguun B.

    Bilguun Batdorj

    Ms. Keeble

    AP English

    Sept 30, 2012

    Quite frankly, I learned more about grammar doing this exercise than all of my school years combined. I got a 100% on exercise #300, but sadly for exercise #14 I got a 30%. As I did more of these exercises, the better I got. Unfortunately, I still do not understand what comma splices are.

  6. Arileni N

    After taking the assignment , I realized that I still need help improving my gramma even tho I scored good on the quizzes. I still think I need help because I didn’t know what a comma splice, i never had actually heard about them. So on that part of the quiz I did some guessing. While in the run-on sentence I’ve had always had problems understanding those because I would get confused with them but I think overall I did better then I expected to do

  7. Merritt W.

    Merritt Walker
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English Per. 2
    30 September 2012

    It was hard identifying the comma splices. The run on sentences weren’t too hard. I did better on problems 300 and 420, than on problems 13 and 14. At first I didn’t see the tips, but once I saw them I understood how to solve the problems better. These tests gave me a better understanding of how to identify run-on sentences, and comma splices. I hope we go over this a little bit more in class so I can get an even better understanding of run-on sentences/comma splices.

  8. Alexis L.

    Alexis L.
    AP English
    September 30,2012

    After completing the assignment i realized that i need a lot of help when it comes to,”Run-on”, sentences. on the other hand i need no such help when it comes to comma splices. For comma splices i scored a 10/10, but i for run-on sentences i scored a measly 5/10. I know that with time i’ll get better on identifying run-on sentences.

  9. Yarelli Lopez

    Yarelli Lopez
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English Language & Literature
    30 September 2012

    I was suprised by my scores on run-on sentences. I started off with low scores and worked my way up. My first and second scores were 7 out 10. My third score was a 9 out 10 then my last but not least score was a 10 out of 10. In my opinion, i believe that these practises helped me a lot on improving my understanding of run-on and comma splice sentences.

  10. Jennifer

    Ap English
    period 2

    The run on sentence and comma slpice assesments were very easy. I have no trouble recognizing or mending an incorrect sentence. I might only have trouble recognizing what the mistake actually is, but like Ms. Keeble said about the fallacies “It is more important to be able to recognize what is wrong with an argument than knowing how to name it”. I believe this thought applies to comma splices and run on sentences as well. I am satisfied with my assessment results.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      OMG…thank you for that quote! That makes me feel good, that someone is listening. That’s the kind of listening that will get you a 4 or 5 on the AP exam. Way to go!

  11. Kiloni D

    Kiloni Driskell
    September 29, 2011
    AP English, Period 2

    The run-on and the comma slice excercise was really challenging for me. The first two excercises was the biggest challenge for me. All the sentences all seem to be correct. I looked back at my answers to see what I did wrong and I feel confident that I can do this excercise again and get a better score. The last two excercises was very easy for me. I know I am capable of doing better next time. Also I need to work on run-on and comma splices.

  12. Johanna G.

    Johanna G.
    AP English, Per. 2
    30 September, 2012

    All four tests, for me, weren’t very difficult. I think that I have always been good on deciding where commas and conjunctions go. Although, I still took my time to read all the answers because that’s what usually helps me. I’m very satisfied with my scores, but I will definitely continue studying run-on sentences and comma splices.

  13. Sidney Magana

    Sidney Magana
    AP English

    Run-on sentences, are my weakness. In all my years of writing, I realize that I have always made that mistake. Taking the assessments has shown me that I am much better at identifying comma splices then run-ons. I have more of an idea on how both terms look but they are confusing to desifer.I think it would be a splendid idea to work on it more in class, in order to get a hang of it.

  14. Rachel N.

    Rachel N.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English & Composition
    30 September 2012

    The tests overall was pretty easy and used most of my common sense. I was able to answer most of the questions right and even learned exactly what was a comma splice or a compound sentence. It was great review and I got to use multiple test strategies to pick the final answer. Out of nearly all of them I got 9/10 which was very surprising. It was cool to see how I actually do know more than I think. On the other hand, I do remember being stuck on a couple and just going with my gut.


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