November 30

For “A Modest Proposal”

Before submitting a response here, on a separate sheet of paper–which I will check on Monday as part of your homework–paraphrase definitions for the following vocabulary words. They are: 1) importuning 2) sustenance 3) prodigious 4) misanthropic 5) deplorable 6) commodity 7) raiment 8) liable 9) per annum 10) papists 11) encumbrance 12) inducement 13) brevity 14) emulation 15) expedients 16) subsistence. These are this week’s vocabulary words. You will have a test Friday. 🙂

After you complete the vocabulary, read the introduction and Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.” Then answer question two from page 401 here. Be sure to proofread for all of your current editing requirements (check your notes). Write your response according to what you know must be included. I suggest you handwrite your response before you type it.

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Posted November 30, 2012 by tashak38 in category Uncategorized

About the Author

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area--Big Up to the East Bay

87 thoughts on “For “A Modest Proposal”

  1. Niauni Hill

    Niauni Hill
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English, Period 1
    3 December 2012

    The real point Swift is arguing is that rich people should help out with the situation of cannabalism. Swift implies that children should be eaten by their mothers, if the mothers are poor. Another point swift is arguing was also argued at the end of the essay. Swift argues that values should be followed. In the end I realized that Swift was being sarcastic. He was trying to argue that performing cannabalism on your own flesh and blood, or in general is not right. Swift highlighted all of the negative points of cannabalism, so his readers would understand.

  2. David M.

    David M.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP Enlgish 11
    Swift’s proposal, which he suggests in “A Modest Proposal,” is about his idea to help his country. Swift planned to eat babies in order to provide sustenance for his country. It may not be right, but it shows his devotion and what he is willing to do for his country. This argument he is presenting is rather unorthodox. He doesn’t show much logos in it and certainly uses a lot of opinion. He wants to eat babies to help his country with over-population, poverty, and hunger. It could also help with decreasing crime since kids would later grow up to be criminals due to poverty. It is really sick, but a he wrote a good essay.

  3. Yarelli Lopez

    Yarelli Lopez
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English Languague & Composition
    3 December 2012

    In “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, who is a poet , satirist, and pamphleteer, argues about tactics that can be done in order to better the economy. He proposes to the poor to have babies and then sell them as “pigs” to get profits. This obviously is a proposal that can’t be put to practice because it is in humane to eat other people, especially when they are still young creatures. Swift uses a not so typical method for making an argument because he includes a lot of his opinions and not so many facts and credible evidence to support his claim. Swift perhaps wants to see how far a person can go in order for them to survive and have a better life.

  4. Joelynn D.

    Joelynn D.

    Ms. Keeble

    AP English -2nd period

    03 December 2012

    In Ireland, during 1729, there was a terrible drought that caused thousands of Irish to starve to death. In “A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift responds to the drought and the English landowners lack of action. Literally, it seems as if he is proposing the idea of cannibalism, when he is actually being satirical. He does not actually believe in selling or eating children, but this shows how he feels about the English landowners. Because conditions are so awful and the landowners are not helping at all, it would be better to actually have the people sell their children for money or food. In this way, it will lighten the adversity and the family may actually have a chance at survival.

  5. Alexia George

    In “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift a satirical yet informing tone is used to show the purpose of his essay. Swift wanted its people of Ireland to realize how high the poverty, hunger and death rate was during 1720, but primarily amongst children. It would only be human nature for anyone to come up with a positive solution. The irony of Swift’s plan, making the “children of poor people “beneficial to the public” stirs up a controversy of discussion on what to do with the mountain high rates. The poor and the rich degrade each other which brings the biggest problems to their country. They’re unsure whether bringing peace or feeding the hungry is more important.

  6. Mercedes G.

    Mercedes Gore
    AP English
    Ms. Keeble
    Period 2
    In The Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift is about how almost everyone in Ireland is starving because of the result of crop failure in their town. So Swift is trying to resolve the starvation by substituting the failed crops with human crops. So Swift’s proposal begins with cultivating babies and how it will prevent the useless death of children and relieve the suffering of the citizens. Swift and the speaker both agree that there is a problem, but the speaker believes that Swift’s idea will not be accepted and not be taken seriously nor will it be put in action. The speaker also points out that the landowners and Swift resemble each other by the landowners ignoring the problem and Swift thinking of an idea that would never be considered.

  7. Diana Larios

    Diana Larios
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11
    Period: 1
    02 December 2012

    2. Jonathan Swift was born in Ireland in 1667 where he was raise by his English parents. Today he is known as a gifted poet, satirist, and pamphleteer. In one of his most famous pieces “A Modest Proposal,” he develops multiple ways in how to aid the vast poverty that was present in Ireland at the time in an exceptionally sole matter. Swift disputes that the landowners should take more mind of their workers. These Irish employees are dying of starvation and poverty and are begging on the streets with their family which is how it relates to the speakers main point, which is the fact that there is a mass of people dying especially young children because the providers of the family are making very low wages. What Swift is really arguing is the selfishness of the landowners and how they seem to put themselves before their staff/workforce, even though their workers are the ones that keep them financially successful, and without workers it is highly likely that their business would fail. If these workers were paid fairly it would be possible that poverty and death rates in children and adults would decrease because workers would have just enough to survive.

  8. Jhoann B.

    Jhoann B.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11 Period 2
    2 December 2012

    Jonathan Swift writes “A Modest Proposal” to fundamentally exhibit his discontentment with the suffering of the Irish. At first, Swift seems to merely propose a humble solution to Ireland’s problems involving the consumption of children as food; however, he is actually conveying that abusive English rule, hypocritical rich folk, and incompetent poor people are factors stimulating the distress Ireland is mired in. Swift is upset with the tyranny of England and frustrated with the Irish people’s inefficiency in remedying the country’s ills with their own power. He also argues that rich people have ability to help address the nation’s issues, but fail to do so because of their selfishness. Swift ironically suggests the cannibalism of children as a solution to Ireland’s problems to essentially point out the contributors of the society’s suffering.

  9. Bilguun B

    Bilguun Batdorj

    Ms. Keeble

    AP English

    Dec 2 2012

    2. It is clear that Swift is using a ironic approach in ” A Modest Proposal” to spread his viewpoints more effectively. Clearly, Swift is not proposing that wealthy gentlemen should devour on infants, in which Swift states that they will be a burden to Ireland, that come from a poor family. He is using a ironic approach in the essay to showcase the viewpoints the wealthy have on the poor. During Swift’s time period, the wealthy elite liked to tell themselves that the poor are disgusting, lazy beings that have no sense of moral and are only inclined to money. The reason why Swift used such a insane and out of the ordinary approach was to alarm and grab the reader’s attention. Like what Rachael stated, Swift used this approach to scare the poor people to change their lives for the benefit of the entire country.

  10. Thomas T

    Thomas T.
    Ap English
    Period 1

    2) In Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”, Swift talks to the reader with an indirect argument. At first, it seems that his “proposal” was feeding children to people for money. He argues that if the children are going to die, they might as well be making money for the family that gave made them. He adds his own analysis of Ireland’s current situation and misleads the reader into believing Ireland should convert to cannibalism to grow their economy. The problem with the reading is his sarcasm may come as difficult to notice. The actual intent of “A Modest Proposal” was to expose England’s dehumanization of the Irish whilst they were in poverty.

  11. Phuong-My N.

    Phuong-My N.
    AP English, Per. 2
    2 December 2012

    “A Modest Proposal”

    2. In the essay, “A Modest Proposal”, a prolific poet, satirist, and pamphleteer Johnathan Swift presents a proposal that will help cease the starvation of the Irish. Swift suggested the Irish result to cannibalism in order to survive or that parents should feed their malnourished children until they get plump and sell to the rich for money instead of making them suffer a poor life. The real point He just wants to see starvation end in his country and to open peoples’ eyes, he is arguing that cannibalism will benefit them most. Even if it is not the most humane idea, it will definitely help out by decreasing population size, decreasing the numbers of beggars on the street, and decreasing the number of malnourished children.

  12. Hannah R.

    Hannah Reddy
    Ms. Keeble
    AP Englsih, Period 2
    3 December 2012

    In “A Modest Proposal”, Jonathan Swift uses sarcasm and states that mothers and fathers eat should eat their children in order to survive a crop failure which happened simultaneously with the publishing of this essay. Swift obviously didn’t want his home country to turn to cannibalism, he uses his way of writing to reveal to the commonwealth and the wealthy that in order for everyone to survive during this time of need, the wealthy (landlords) should distribute all their assets equally or even take care of their workers and the children. In hindsight, this would unite the country, less beggars on the street, and a better more efficient country overall.

  13. Elisha Hussain

    Elisha Hussain
    AP English 11
    Ms. Keeble
    December 2, 2012

    The real point that Jonathan Swift is arguing is that children should be fattened up and then eaten up within a few years. He believes that this a much better thing to do than either let them be starved to death or have them become beggars. Swift also believes that it is a much better solution than waiting fior them to become criminals and looking for food when they grow older. Swift’s real point relates to the apparent point the speaker makes because he stated that children are basically useless to the commonweaelth unless they are taught to be productive which is not the case for mostly all children.

  14. Haley R.

    Haley R.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11 per 2
    2 December 2012

    Jonathan Swift gives a surface perspective in “A Modest Proposal” you have to look deeper into the words that he is writing to understand that Swift is giving his audience a sarcastic – satiristic- alternative to removing poverty from the troubled area. By giving this idea he is illustrating that if you are not able to take care of the children that you bear, why have them? There is more poverty caused when uncared for children are brought into the world. “That the remaining 100,000 may, at a year old, be offered in sale to the persons of quality and fortune through the kingdom… so as to render them plump and ft for a good table” (Swift 395) This excerpt is a perfect example of the sarcasm demonstrated throughout the entire essay.

  15. Kiana Ledda

    Kiana Ledda
    AP English, Per. 5
    2, December 2012

    2.) Jonathan Swift’s essay “A Modest Proposal”, argues about the many issues due to poverty in Ireland. He focuses on how the children of Ireland are suffering from starvation. He describes a rather horrifying plan that states that the wealthy should fatten the children and eventually eat them. Swift believes that children are basically being burdens within their families because they aren’t being productive. He explains to the audience that this would take starving children off of the streets (put them out of their misery), and end their economic problems within Ireland. The only question here is this, “Is Swift saying that sacrificing the children is the only answer to helping the people of Ireland?” Although this plan may seem disturbing to many viewers, Swift still thoroughly addresses the country’s biggest tragedy.

  16. Ryan C.

    Ryan C.
    Ms. Keeble
    Period 1

    2) Swift’s real argument is that the English treat the Irish so badly that the Irish would be better off selling their children than as they were under the English. This relates to the apparent point of how the Irish should sell their children like veal.

  17. Ross H.

    Ross H
    apeng period 2
    2 December 2012
    In “Modest Proposal”, English writer, Jonathan Swift uses a satirical essay to show how richer people feel about the poor. He writes in his essay that poor people should sell their kids to be consumed, because it would benefit the seller and the buyer economically.What he really is alluding to is that in the eyes of a richer man poor people are monsters that would sell their own kids to make a quick buck. To eat people is a crime against humanity, so he could also be revealing how poor people look at the rich. The poor people according to Swift’s essay would find buyers for their kids. This details that both poor and rich people think each other as monsters that given the chance would eat their fellow countrymen.

  18. Abraham N.

    Abraham N.
    AP English 11
    Period 5
    2 December 2012

    Jonathan Swift, the author of the essay, “A Modest Proposal”, basically says that the English treat the Irish so bad, they might as well succumb to them, hence Swift’s “proposal” that they should sell babies and eat them after they have been properly fattened. In reality, his proposal was just a form of satire, verbal irony to be exact. However, his real point, located at the final two pages of the essay, show some examples that are actually his points, and that can probably work, but he says that people are not humble enough to try them.

  19. David .D

    David Delgado
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English
    Period 2
    December 2 2012

    In “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, he argues that children of poor mothers in 1720 in Ireland should chop up their children and eat them. In the essay he describes in great detail that families should eat their children or that is how it seems. If the reader is familiar with the way the author uses sarcasm he point isn’t really about cannibalism. Swift’s main point is mentioned at the end of the essay when he describes how rich people can help out with the situation. If they ignore their pride about being rich and they all gave money to everyone it would solve the problem. This would never happen though because then the rich people would become poorer. Another thing he was trying to say was that to follow your morals and values. Swift didn’t really push his main point until the end of the essay which confused me a lot. Swift was just being sarcastic about what he was saying and that his real point was would never be attempted by people. This made me come to the conclusion that he was attacking the people that were uncourageous and saying that eating other people is wrong.

  20. Heather H.

    Heather H.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11, Period 2
    2 December 2012
    In “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, a very controversial point is made in a less than typical way. At first glance, the argument is for the cannibalization of children. However, it is clear that Swift’s tone is one of irony and satire. It is also apparent that his true intent is, in fact, not to raise children like livestock and use them as such. The purpose of his writing was to get people to consider other possible solutions for problems regarding the drought of 18th century Ireland, ones that seemed much more plausible when compared to the consumption of children.

  21. Caitlin H.

    Caitlin Huie
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English Per 2
    2 December 2012

    2.) Swift is proposing a solution for poor children in Ireland. He says that they should be fattened up and then sold to the rich as food. Because of this, the children wouldn’t have to live through a life of starvation. They wouldn’t have to fight for their lives every day. He’s trying to think of the best solution that would help the people of Ireland so that they wouldn’t have to suffer through the crop failure.

  22. David .D

    David Delgado
    AP English
    Period 2
    December 2, 2012
    In “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, he argues that children of poor mothers in 1720 in Ireland should chop up their children and eat them. In the essay he describes in great detail that families should eat their children or that is how it seems. If the reader is familiar with the way the author uses sarcasm he point isn’t really about cannibalism. Swift’s main point is mentioned at the end of the essay when he describes how rich people can help out with the situation. If they ignore their pride about being rich and they all gave money to everyone it would solve the problem. This would never happen though because then the rich people would become poorer. Swift didn’t really push his main point until the end of the essay which confused me a lot. Swift was just being sarcastic about what he was saying and that his real point was would never be attempted by people, which made me come to the conclusion that he was attacking the people that were courageous.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      Great job David, but unless you are asked to site personal experience as evidence–do not use personal pronouns like “I” and “me.” This is analysis. Stay out of personal references unless asked. Never do it.

  23. Brittany-Ann D.

    Brittany-Ann Dela Cruz
    AP English
    3 November 2012

    2. In the Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift diminished those who do not practice what they preach. Those who are supposed to be believers in God, a father, and a mother are not supposed to eat their own kind. His real point is to stay true to your morals and values. If you abide by the bible and refuse abortions, then do not make a baby for it to be killed and eaten. If you are a man and a woman wanting to make a baby, make it for love, not to feed yourself. Swift made it apparent that humans to do not eat other humans.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      “Denigrates”? Is diminishes precise? Also, punctuate the title and pronoun shifts. “practice what you preach” cliche’–revise–see me tomorrow–or just fix it now.

  24. Sidney

    Sidney M
    Period 1

    Swift’s purpose in this essay, “A Modest Proposal” is to make a real political point. He uses a sarcastic tone in order to show how realistic his proposal can be. It’s ironic in which he and his family would not be effected by the outcomes since his wife is “past childbearing.” Swift wants to make the situation in his “kingdom” clear. People are starving, dyeing and becoming extremely desperate. As Swift had mentioned before, many women have to care for more than one child and often attempted to abort or endanger one out of hopelessness. People are desperate and they need help. After the potato famine, the lack of sustenance created many problems for the Irish. English landowners were not lenient with there current situation. So Therefore Swift wants to bring it to there attention as well as surrounding areas, that this a problem in which not many solutions can be found. 

  25. DaJohn Wade

    Swift’s point in his argument is that children can be used to feed others. Since there is many malnourished children, they can be used to feed the others in need. This could be beneficial to the economy. This method would lead to parents valuing their kids more, deaths of starvation decreasing, and saving children from being beggars in their future. This idea is inhumane in many people’s eyes, but it is effective and he’s giving an option to change the horrible scenarios the parents go through when trying to provide for their children. Swift is stressing the fact that too many children are dying. He is perpetuating this idea with his method that catches people’s attention.

  26. Caleb M.

    Caleb M.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English, Period 2
    2 December 2012

    2. Jonathan Swift points out in his essay that there is too much poverty and death in his country to support all of the children being born. He then suggests that these children should be grown to a reasonable size and then eaten, to prevent them from living a life in poverty and hard labor like there parents. Swift also proposes this idea because he believes that it would improve the economy of Ireland and the starvation problem. Unlike other essays that follow the “typical” method of giving concrete details, “A Modest Proposal” is based off of mainly opinions and proposals.

  27. Rachel N.

    Rachel N.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English Language & Composition
    3 December 2012

    2) In “A Modest Proposal,” by Johnathan Swift, he develops several assertions as to how to provide for the immense poverty in Ireland during this time. Swift argues that the English landowners need to do a better job at taking care of their employees. A lot of Irish immigrants have been dying from extreme poverty and hunger. He gives specific tactics that the land owners can utilize to better nourish their workers. Moreover, Swift is really arguing here that the landowners are being selfish by only looking out for themselves and not taking care of their workers. This relates to the apparent point the speaker makes because Swift already acknowledges how preposterous it is that these workers are begging on the streets with their children. It could have been prevented and he challenges the methods the owners use to nourish their employees.

  28. Dominique

    AP English 11 Per 2
    December 2, 2012

    The real point of Jonathan Swift’s aruging is that the poor children across the country of Ireland should be stuffed with food and fattened up at an early age, so they can later be sold to rich land owners as food. This was a sickening message, but Swift provided background and data statics of what the world would be like if his plan fell into action. This aruging relates to the the apparenting point he makes because he uses his own knowledge and a plan that would influence his idea if he ever released it out to the public.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      What is his tone? If you nail his tone, you appreciate his real political intent. no “apparenting” “apparent”–proofread, should say data in the form of statistics or just data or statistics–the way it’s written is redundant

  29. Areli S

    Areli Sanchez
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11, 2
    December 2012

    2) Jonathan Swift, author of a piece called “A Modest Proposal”, uses the opposite of the “typical” method when it comes to making an argument. His proposal is in regards to what should be done to help the people of Ireland during the difficult times they are situated in. Through observation he notices babies can serve as a new product in which mothers sell them after one year of age and then the baby is consumed by rich families. This plan for the greater good of his country, would help the economy. The point the speaker makes in that his proposal is for the greater good of a country but at the same time it promotes something immoral such as cannibalism.

      1. Areli S

        2) Jonathan Swift, author of a piece called “A Modest Proposal”, uses the opposite of the “typical” method when it comes to making an argument. His proposal is in regards to what should be done to help the people of Ireland during the difficult times they are in. The proposal is for children to be sold and consumed. This plan for the greater good of his country, would help the economy. Now, the author is actually using sarcasm to show what measures that can be proposed in desperate times. After re-reading the piece , Swifts purpose became a bit more clearer, and that was that he wanted to have others realize that something needs to be done for the people, those dying, starving , ect. Sure, eating babies will make times better , it will be better for the country? But is this immoral action really all that good, cant there be another choice ? The proposal was for others to think of a different alternative, one in which is positive.

  30. Alicia

    Alicia O.
    AP English
    3 December 2012

    In “A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift, a prolific poet, satrist, and pamphleteer gives his response towards the drought that caused many Irish to starve to death. Swift by the use of irony wants to make his point clear. Swift is arguing that people should exchange their young children for food. He assures that doing so will result in the decreasing of population in this small town in Ireland. This is just ironic because he is trying to pursuade the poor people to sell their kids for money to help them but that is something that the poor people will not do. The speakers point relates to Swift’s apparent point by both showing that the people of this town are more like animals that will be able to sell their kids for food. They both believe that doing so is something that is natural and that will be no problem for the people to do.

  31. Amacalli Duran

    Amacalli Duran
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English
    3 December 2012

    Jonathan Swift, a talented prolific poet, satirist, and pamphleteer, was born in 1667 in Ireland where he was raised by English parents. In 1729, Swift published the document “A Modest Proposal” in response to the tragedies occurring in Ireland. Using satire, Swift brought forth a new perspective on how to remove poverty entirely from Ireland. Swift argues that the solution to overpopulation and poverty is cannibalism. Swift states, “”I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child, well nursed, is at a year old, a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout” (Swift 395). Regardless the peasants will die, and it would better serve Ireland if they could be sold as food. Swift explains very logically that by fattening and then selling the younger peasants, the economy of Ireland would improve and thus diminish the majority of the poverty. Although, Swift has no true intentions of eating other humans, his irony brought forth attention to the true issues Ireland is facing. Over 100,000 individuals in Ireland live in poverty; this includes no food and no home. As well, Swift compares the Irish people to pigs and cows to demonstrate how the English view them. The people of Ireland are suffering from dehumanization and poverty, and although cannibalism is not the answer, Swift wrote this proposal to emphasize the importance of finding help to better Ireland as a whole.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      Brilliant response.
      Re-read and revise for active verbs at the points you become wordy. Ex: besides being a comma splice–“his irony brought forth attention”–how can you revise this? I always love your responses–you can push yourself over the top with a practice of ALWAYS revising for wordiness. The wordiness forces you into awkward constructions. 🙂 Still love it.

  32. Desiree N.

    Desiree Negrette

    Ms. keeble

    AP English

    2 December 2012

    2) In Jonathan Swift’s essay, “A Modest Proposal”, he is arguing about what to do with the poor children in his country. He believes the children of poor parents are adding more work and expenses to them. Swift propses the plan of selling babies/children for food. He believes this will serve his people well, provide stimulus for the economy, and provide food for thousands of people. Swift’s point is that for poor families, children are a burden and they should be sold for money.

  33. Alexis L.

    Alexis L.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11
    2.) Jonathan Swift is arguing about how good it would for his country to use children for food consumption. He claims that children will provide for for the country and provide a stimulus for the economy. He also believes that this would be a better for the children so that they wont becomecriminals or beggars. It will also lower the over populated towns. He gives the positive outcome if this was allowed, but it is still extremely unethical.

  34. Brandon Cummings

    The idea that Swift is trying to express is basically that he has nothing other than good strong feeling for his country. Saying this though, Swift is exceptionally angry with the increasing rate of children deaths in the country he has such good feelings towards and this is something that doesn’t sit right with Swift what so ever. The reader than assumes that Swift argues the point of using a large proportion of babies as food. He believes that this will serve the people well, provide increasing growth for the economy, and provide food for thousands of people in his country. I don’t really understand this method at all and I find the idea of it highly ludicrous but who knows, it could possibly be a good method of helping his country’s economy.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      What is his tone? Which more precise descriptive can you use to replace “good”? It’s weak and if you can appreciate his tone, you can better appreciate his point. It’s satire.

  35. Rachael B.

    Rachael B.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11, Period 2
    2 December 2012

    “A Modest Proposal” depicts a somewhat sadistic argument about poverty presented by Johnathan Swift. He writes with the persona of an optimistic economist looking for a cure of his country’s poverty. Throughout this essay, Swift claims to solve this problem of beggary is to sell the children of the poor to the wealthy as food in an ironic way. This way, population would be reduced and the poor would no longer be as poor because they would receive great amount of money for selling their kids as a meal. His voice of an economist uses many metaphors and a great amount of details of the solution to show his outrage of the expanding poverty that was getting no assistance to stop it and that was the people’s last resort. In relation towards his apparent point, he knew most people would find that sort of conclusion in his argument disgusting. This way, the majority (those who were poor) would perhaps do something to change the economic depression to save their children from a cruel faith.

  36. Tanzeel H.

    Tanzeel Hak
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English, Period 2
    2 December 2012

    In The Modest Proposal, satirist, Jonathan Swift, provides a solution to the poor children, who are suffering because of the crop failure in Ireland. He suggests that since the wealthy landowners, who can not afford to raise children, do not care about the poor families the English might as well feed them until they’re fat, then eat them. Swift believes that if the poor Irish kids are going to die anyways, the rich who only do things that will benefit themselves, should just eat them since it would be more beneficial to them than just letting them die of starvation. This would also ensure that there would be no problems of overpopulation. Another positive would be that there wouldn’t be as much unemployment.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      You’re right. Look for extra commas–where are they not needed? Pay attention to genuine dependent clauses and where they’re located. Overusing your commas. Revise.

  37. Efrain E

    Efrain E
    AP English 11
    Period 1

    In Dublin, Ireland, in 1729, thousands of Irish were suffering from hunger due to a crippling crop failure. In response to these devastating conditions, Jonathan Swift, a dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, wrote “A Modest Proposal”. Swift is known for his political irony and satirical novels, and “A Modest Proposal” is no exception. Swift’s true argument is hidden behind a veil of irony and sarcasm, which makes it seem like he is arguing something completely different. At first glimpse, it seems like Swift is proposing that the people of Ireland sell and cook children to feed the hungry adults. However, the real point that Swift is making is that no one should make any proposals to improve the quality of life in Ireland unless they are sane and logical requests that can be executed. As Swift says in his writing, “Therefore I repeat, let no man talk to me of these and like expedients, till he has at least some glimpse of hope that there will be ever some hearty and sincere attempt to put them into practice”(par. 30). Swift disguises this argument in the form of a ridiculous proposal that would never be put into practice in a civilized society. Selling and buying children only to cook them as food is an idea that would never be put into practice in a reasonable community. Swift uses such a drastic example to accentuate how ridiculous, useless, and downright immoral some proposals were.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      I think I got teary-eyed here. Beautiful Efrain. Can I ask for anything more? Beautifully written and thought through. Beautiful. Oh, you do not have to say as Swift says (in his writing)–just Swift says and drop the quote right there. We know it’s his writing. 🙂

  38. Kiloni D.

    Kiloni Driskell
    2 December 2012
    AP English

    2) Jonathan Swift, author of “A Modest Proposal”, wrote about the starving people in Ireland during a drought in the early 1700’s. He had a serious and aggravating yet sarcastic tone. Swift uses emotional and ethical appeals to make his argument by jokingly proposing that we eat the children.
    Swiftly thinks the English treat the Irish so badly the Irish would be better off selling their children than as they were under the English. The apparent point is that the Irish should sell their children like food. The purpose of this argument is to raise awareness about the poor starving people of Ireland. Swift proposes an unreasonable solution to draw attention to the problem. He hopes to get people thinking about alternative solutions that are more reasonable. His intended audience is the people of Ireland. He assumes people value human life and care about the hungry and the poor. Swift assumes that his audience will be upset and be bothered by his suggestion to sell and eat poor children. Overall, Swift wants to see an end to the starving people in Ireland.He assumes people value human life and care.

  39. Natasha R.

    Natasha Ramirez
    Period 5
    Ap English
    2 December, 2012

    2)In Johnathan Swift’s essay, A Modest Proposal, he states that they should prevent poor children from being a bother to others and society. Swift mentions,”The question thereforeis, how this nember shall be reared and provided for?” (395) Here he explains that these begger children should be made of some use since their mothers can’t provide for them. The way Swift asserts his positon makes the reader think that he is annoyed and hates the children who beg, as well as the mothers who can’t provide for them. Overall, the essay dipicts that Swift can’t stand to be around the poor. Since they are no use in the streets it is needed that they be productive in the world, instead of sitting there.

  40. Jonathan v

    Ms Keeble
    Ap Eng and Comp
    period 1

    This man Jonathan Swift makes a clear argument about hw and what they should do with all the problems that are going down in his community and all around. His work, A Modest Proposal, is about all the hardships of the people and how they went without food for a long time and other problems like their housing. To my understanding, this man is proposing a lot of solutions that are stated in steps in chronological order, but out of all of them one stood out the most. When he was explaining all the math he was doing about kids dying and kids growing up and then kids giving up their flesh as meat so they could serve as food for the poor, leaving a very sad image of all the kids, the unborn ones, unwanted ones who to my understanding were going to be dinner or even lunch. Of course to this he thinks he is doing the right thing because he is making sure that he is helping his people, but this would change if he had his own kids.Swifts point connects with what the speaker(him) is saying because his tone is arrongant against all those unborn babies even though he is a part of the catholic church. It has a hint of irony because even though his beliefs tell him to preach and say good he does preach but his thoughts over power his words.

  41. Merritt W.

    Merritt Walker
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 2
    2 December 2012

    2. The “typical” point for making an argument is to get the person to agree with you by persuading them. Swift is arguing that the poor people in Ireland should sell their children as food to rich people. The point is that the people of Ireland are starving and the children are being burdens to their parents. If the poor parents sell their kids to the rich parents they will get money and they won’t be hungry. His point is that for economic purposes women should breed to sell their children.

  42. Canyon R

    Canyon Riley
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11
    2 December 2012
    1). Some would say Swift’s proposal is unethical, but he justifies his proposal in 6 ways. First, this method would lessen the number of papists, which are the enemies of the Protestants. Secondly, the poor tenants will become valuable and help pay for their landlord’s rent and other necessities. Thirdly, the nation’s stock will be increased, the money will circulate more with themselves, and the commodity is their own growth. Fourthly, the constant breeders will be rid of charge of raising their child after the first year. Fifthly, this food will revolutionize cuisine and spawn delectable recipes. Sixthly, this would increase the parents’ compassion toward their child.

    2). Swift argues his proposal as the lesser of two evils in the dire situation his nation faces. Swift’s overall message is that we should put our faith in our expedients. Although the expedients may seem immortal, it will benefit the majority in the long run.

    1. Canyon R

      In “A Modest Proposal”, Jonathan Swift uses satire to argue how the rich Irish families view the poor Irish families. He suggests an unethical solution of devouring poor child during a drought. After rereading the story and reviewing what my peers typed from their responses, I agree with Aaron’s the most. Swift makes this argument because he knows the reader will be offended by this proposal in the same way the rich people were offended by his expedients.

  43. Aaron Chon

    Aaron Chon
    Ms Keeble
    AP English 11
    03 December 2012

    In “A Modest Proposal”, Jonathan Swift, who was a satirical speaker upon Irish causes, writes a possible solution to the drought that took place during the early 18th century. In his essay, he describes in great detail how families could cultivate babies as they do livestock in order to feed poor families and control the population. While some people may be horrifically convinced that this was his actual point, those that are familiar with the author’s use of irony and sarcasm can tell that he was not actually interested in infanticide and cannibalism. Swift demonstrates his real point near the end of the essay, where he describes different expedients that involve actions that common and wealthy people can take to ignore their vanity and have less so that there can be more to go around, saying that such ideas should not be discussed because nobody would be actually willing to put them into practice. Swift built up a persona that automatically came to the offense of the reader because of suggesting infanticide and cannibalism, both of which have been looked down upon heavily as taboos in orthodox modern societies. Instead of directly arguing his point, Swift taunts the audience by declaring that his unethical method is logically built, and that the “other suggestions”, which were his actual point, would not be attempted by people, which suggests that he is attacking their lack of modesty.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      Well said, Aaron. Awesome response. Hopefully, everyone will see this among the other excellent responses. Love it!

  44. Elisha Hussain

    Elisha Hussain
    AP English 11
    Ms. Keeble
    December 2, 2012

    The real point that Jonathan Swift is arguing is that children should be fattened up and then eaten up within a few years. He believes that this a much better thing to do than either let them be starved to deatgh or have them become beggars. Swift also believes that it is a much better solution than waiting for them to become criminals and looking for food when they grow older. Swift’s real point relates to the apparent point the speaker makes because he stated that children are basically useless to the commoneaelth unless they are taught to be productive which is not the case for mostly all children.

  45. Elisha Hussain

    Elisha Hussain
    AP English 11
    Ms. Keeble
    December 2, 2012

    The real point that Jonathan Swift is arguing is that children should be fattened up and then eaten up within a few years. He believes that this a much better thing to do than either let them be starved to deatgh or have them become beggars. Swift also believes that it is a much better solution than waiting fior them to become criminals and looking for food when they grow older. Swift’s real point relates to the apparent point the speaker makes because he stated that children are basically useless to the commoneaelth unless they are taught to be productive which is not the case for mostly all children.

  46. Veronica

    Veronica V.
    December 2, 2012
    1st period

    2.) The point Swift is trying to argue is that many children don’t have the common nourishment needed in order to sustain life, and is becoming harder for parents (mostly mothers) to provide for their children which is why these mothers should sell their children to serve as young laborers to the wealthy. This relates to the apparent point Swift makes since he provides the causes and effects of children labor and doesn’t agree to partake in this work nor urges others to unless they ask the parents of children if they would of been sold at a year old for food to avoid becoming poor.

  47. Johan Ocegueda

    Johan Ocegueda
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English
    2 December 2012
    Johnathan Swift believes that there are too many children with bad lives. He believes that a lot of children live bad lifes because somethimes their families cant even feed them. Well Swift actually has a solution for all of this. He actually believes that a good idea is to sell all of this kids as food. He feel that this will help overpopulation calm down a little. And that all of this will bring the country a little more extra income. This seems kind of crazy to me but well it is what he believes.

  48. Jessica A

    Jessica A.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP Lang. and Composition, Per 5
    2 December 2012

    In Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” Swift uses a different method of argumentation to attain his purpose. He wrote a “modest proposal” in a very inhumane and immodest way, and therefore uses irony. Swift is arguing to have a better way of life which is to be achieved by a trade of young children. In his essay, he introduced a new form of prosperity, strictly based off of the meat and wholeness of a young child. He claims that this trade will result in a decreased population of the already over-populated town, and households would earn extra money from sacrificing their children. In reality, Swift was arguing to expose the actuality of what was occurring in a small town of Ireland. He hoped to establish all the means necessary to survive to open the eyes of the readers. Doing so, he wanted to show that the people of Ireland were highly dehumanized and belittled by England. Titling his essay “A Modest Proposal,” adds to the irony of his argument.

  49. Gonzalo Haro

    Gonzalo Haro
    Ms. Keeble, 1st
    AP Lang. and Comp.
    December 1st, 2012

    In Jonathan Swifts’s essay, “A Modest Proposal”, he argues that babies of poor mothers in 1720’s Ireland should be consumed for nutrition. Swift argues that using a large fraction of babies as food will serve the people well, provide stimulus for the economy, and provide food for thousands. Swift’s argument is not typical because it relies mostly on opinions, rather that facts and data. That’s not an effective way to propose something. You need something more concrete. He did, however, provide the number of babies needed for consumption each year if his plan was to work. His point ultimately goes back to finding a good source of sustenance.

  50. Jashleen Singh

    Jashleen Singh
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11, Per 2

    The real point for Swift’s arguing is that he has the best intentions at heart for his country. Although this may be true, Swift’s apparent point that he makes is that there are too many children dying. The reader than assumes his plan will be positive, however, his plan is to turn these babies into food. He introduces the idea of 120,000 babies having death forced upon them to justify them being eaten.


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