February 6

Strawberry Fields

Write an introductory paragraph for a rhetorical analysis that considers the strategies Eric Schlosser uses in “Strawberry Fields.” You may look at an excellent student sample rhetorical analysis response at http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/ap11_english_language_form_b_q2.pdf. Be sure to include every element necessary for a complete introductory paragraph.

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Posted February 6, 2013 by tashak38 in category Uncategorized

About the Author

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area--Big Up to the East Bay

86 thoughts on “Strawberry Fields

  1. Jose Prado

    Jose Prado
    Period 5

    In his article,”In The Strawberry Fields”, Eric Schlosser discusses about immigrant farm workers exhausting jobs and unfair conditions in the fields. He explains how little they get paid and they end up having back problems once they get older. His purpose is to inform people who arent aware of the conditions these immigrant workers are in and he does this by showing an emotional appeal to his audience by explaining what the immigrants go through and how hard they work, it doesnt pay off and they end up getting back problems. Eric hopes that all of this gets resolved pretty soon or else poverty against immigrants will continue.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      Thank you Jose’. I can see your clear thinking on the essay. I need you to go through this response and remove all conversational phrases and refer to the speaker by his full name then his last name. No first names, ok. Let me know when you finish and I can update the gradebook!

    2. William Chung

      Jose, I suggest that if you wish for your literary analysis to be taken seriously, you use a semblance of proper English grammar. You do not discuss “about” something. You discuss a topic, but you do not discuss “about” a topic.

  2. Canyon Riley

    Canyon R
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11, Period 2
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s online article, “In the Strawberry Fields”, he focuses on the challenges the migrant workers have to face everyday. Schlosser first uses statistics to highlight the disproportionate hours they work along with the unreasonably low wages they receive. He also elaborates on how long this treatment of migrant workers has taken place and the many health hazards these workers have experienced throughout their lives. His purpose is to educate the people who are not informed on subject or are too ignorant to have a disregard for another human beings life.

  3. Abraham N.

    Abraham N.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11
    Period 5
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s article, “In the Strawberry Fields” (Atlantic Magazine, November 1995), he asserts that farmers who pick strawberries are some of the lowest-paid, and hardest working farm workers in California, which makes it an undesirable occupation among farmers. The author first supports his main idea by giving multiple examples why strawberry picking is very difficult, also giving the audience insight and even trying to create sympathy for the farmers for the thankless job they preform. Schlosser then backs up his ideas again by explaining the farmers salary, or lack there of, along with farmers sleeping arrangements. Schlosser uses logic and facts to support his main claim, as well as giving the audience another reason to feel sympathy for the farmers. His purpose is to create awareness for the people that create and pick your foods, and not to think that it magically appears from thin air. He seems to have an adult audience in mind because of the background he gives the readers from the 1970’s and the 80’s, chronicling how the farmers way of life has transformed.

      1. Abraham N.

        Abraham N.
        Ms. Keeble
        AP English 11
        Period 5
        10 February 2013

        In Eric Schlosser’s article, “In the Strawberry Fields” (Atlantic Magazine, November 1995), he asserts that migrant farm workers who pick strawberries are some of the lowest-paid, and hardest working workers in California, which makes it an undesirable occupation among migrant workers. The author first supports his main idea by giving multiple examples why strawberry picking is very difficult, also giving the audience insight and even trying to create sympathy for the workers for the thankless job they preform. Schlosser then backs up his ideas again by explaining the workers salary, or lack there of, along with their sleeping arrangements. Schlosser uses logic and facts to support his main claim, as well as giving the audience another reason to feel sympathy for the farmers. His purpose is to create awareness for the people that create and pick your foods, and not to think that it magically appears from thin air. He seems to have an adult audience in mind because of the background he gives the readers from the 1970′s and the 80′s, chronicling how the migrant workers way of life has transformed

  4. Tresean Mitchell

    Tresean Mitchell
    A.P. English per.1

    In Eric Schlosser’s, “Strawberry Fields”, he speaks of the life of migrant workers and the tedious labor days they endure. He describes their backbreaking labor poor less than minimum wage pay, poor living arrangement’s. He uses his diction in a way to where he keeps the reader informed yet gives them a sense of pity towards the laborers. The audience he targets is that of the people who unaware the difficulties that the strawberry laborers go through on a regular basis.

  5. Johanna G.

    Johanna G.
    AP English, Per. 2
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s online article, “In the Strawberry Fields”, he describes the difficulty and struggles of migrant workers who work in these fields. Schlosser uses statistics to inform the reader about the unbearable conditions that the farmers go through and how they are unfairly paid. The author is trying to appeal to his audience by outlining the harsh conditions that they experience. By doing this, he makes his audience feel the need to suddenly help the farmers and put an end to their struggle.

  6. Jhoann B.

    Jhoann B.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP Eng 11 Per 2
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s informative article, “In the Strawberry Fields,” he targets Californians and reveals the tribulation of migrants working on strawberry fields. Schlosser exposes his audience to the wearisome obligations strawberry field workers are compelled to endure in order to make a subsistent living. He descriptively details the back-breaking work migrants perform and the financial instability of these families to make readers cognizant of their hardships and inspire a reform in the unjust conditions instituted in the agricultural industry. Schlosser appeals to his audience’s emotions and sense of morality to ultimately promote the manifestation of improved working conditions for migrant strawberry field workers, advocating for their reception of an increased income that fairly reciprocates their hard work.

  7. Alexis l.

    Alexis l.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11
    In his essay, “In the Strawberry Fields”, Eric Schlosser reveals the hardships that migrant workers go through on a daily basis, not knowing if they’ll work in the same place another day. Schlosser emphasizes the difficult tasks that migrant workers do just to gain minimum wage, and only on rare occasions do they get over that. Most migrant workers have to share one house, or room, with eight to ten different people at a time. Migrant workers also have to be bent from their waist, picking berries for a long period of time, up to ten hours a day; due to the long period of time the migrant workers have to be bent over, they create severe back problems for these people and have to live without medical insurance to pay for treatments. Schlosser presents this to activists at an attempt to display the abuse that migrant workers undergo for a job that’s difficult, pays little, and isn’t stable.

  8. Alexis l.

    Alexis l.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11
    In his essay, “In the Strawberry Fields”, Eric Schlosser reveals the hardships that migrant workers go through on a daily basis, not knowing if they’ll work in the same place another day. Schlosser emphasizes the difficult tasks that migrant workers do just to gain minimum wage, and only on rare occasions do they get over that. Most migrant workers have to share one house, or room, with eight to ten different people at a time. Schlosser presents this to activists at an attempt to display the abuse that migrant workers undergo for a job that’s difficult, pays little, and isn’t stable.

  9. Kiloni D

    Kiloni Driskell
    7 February 2013
    AP English

    In Eric Schlosser’s article, “The Strawberry Fields,” he reveals the crucial hardhips the migrant workers go through on the everyday basis. He explicates the prolonged hours and the unfair wages the workers have to take on. He appeals to empathy when emphasizing the excruciating pain of the workers bending their back for hours, which can cause a disabilitiy. His purpose was to inform that it is time to fight for equality and acknowledge what is going on in the market and how it is getting there. His audience are those who do not know what is going on in the fields

  10. Yarelli Lopez

    Yarelli Lopez
    Ms. Keeble
    Ap English Language & Composition
    7 February 2013

    Eric Schlosser’s article, “In the Strawberry Fields”, discusses the hardships of low-income migrants that come to the U.S. in search of better lives but rather are pushed into lives in which they gain long life health problems. He points out that migrant workers with little to no experience in the U.S. and with other languages rather than English are likely to become farm workers. They get paid very little, sometimes only the sufficient for the very basic needs such as food. Schlosser supports this idea with examples of logos. He also uses his appeal to pathos, in order, to target his intended audience who are ignorant and self-ish of the big issues in the world’s society.

  11. Maria

    The author Eric Schlosser’s, in his article “Strawberry Fields,” he tries to make the readers feel empathy and generosity towards these migrant workers who are working in the fields. He wants us the readers to step up and make a change. Schlosser is trying to make us readers feel empathy by stating everything these workers go through in a daily bases. For example how they constantly have back pains, how their work isn’t assured to always be there on a daily bases, and last but not least how they get paid with such a small amount of money. All of his statements try to make an impact on us and of how we view their lives and the world we leave in, so that we can step up and make a change.

  12. Elvia Lopez

    Elvia Lopez
    February 7, 2013
    AP English

    In Eric Schlosser’s article, “Strawberry Fields,” he discusses the low opportunities that migrant farm workers have, and the hardships that they have to overcome in order to have a sustainable life. He states that the migrant workers get low wages which is depressing to know because many of them have families to raise. Other workers live in garages with 5-8 people, sometimes even more. Furthermore, it is devastating for each individual because rather than having a healthy and economical life, the live in poverty and with less resources. Schlosser wants the audience to realize that many people overcome hardships and to take life for granted because many migrant workers would love to be in our shoes. He wants the audience to respond in a sorrow way and find help to change their lives. If there is no change, they will continually in between the poverty and the farm workers will never increase their economy in an way.

  13. Areli S

    Areli Sanchez
    AP English 11, 2
    Ms Keeble
    January 7 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s article, Strawberry Fields (1995), he exposes the dangerous and back breaking experience that immigrants undergo. Schlosser first provides his audience with data regarding payment, this part of the article helps his audience see how underpaid immigrants are. He then describes the challenging conditions in which immigrants work in, thus showing how its a loosing battle for immigrants. His purpose is to challenge his audience to take a chance and act, to do the moralistic thing or not. In this article the goal is to inform the people, most importantly those in California , thus he targets the general public, the working class, the American citizen .

  14. Amacalli Duran

    Amacalli Duran
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English

    In his essay, “In Strawberry Fields” Eric Schlosser asserts how the relationship between migrant workers and farmers is an unfair cycle of dependency. Schlosser descriptively describes the farming industry in California and its impact on migrant workers. Schlosser informs the readers that despite the demand for workers, especially in strawberry fields, employers pay under wage and do not provide stable living quarters. He further accentuates how working in strawberry fields is physically demanding, yet its rewards do not compare to the disabilities that will form in the future. Schlosser purposely targets middle and upper class individuals who do not struggle to earn their living. He appeals to pity by demonstrating “how the other side lives.” The middle and upper class are not accustomed to struggle and the concept of “stretching pennies”, therefore they feel instant remorse for those they consider inferior to them. Explaining the appalling circumstances migrants must overcome, Schlosser hopes to bring recognition and justice to their cause.

  15. Caleb M.

    Caleb M.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English, Per. 2
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s article, “Strawberry Fields, Schlosser exploits the various hardships that migrant workers have to endure, such as poverty, from the little amount of money that they make from working in strawberry fields. Schlosser goes into detail about the back injuries migrants gain from bending over and picking strawberries from long work hours. The author also points out the economical issues that come from business that hire migrant workers in the article. His purpose is to inform people with little knowledge of migrant labor about it’s devastating effects on the migrant workers and our economy with a calm and informative tone. His audience would be U.S. citizens unaware of migrant labor.

      1. Caleb M.

        In Eric Schlosser’s article, “Strawberry Fields, Schlosser describes the various hardships that migrant workers have to endure, such as poverty, from the little amount of money that they make from working in strawberry fields. Schlosser goes into detail about the back injuries migrants gain from bending over and picking strawberries from long work hours. The author also points out the economical issues that come from business that hire migrant workers in the article. His purpose is to inform people with little knowledge of migrant labor about it’s devastating effects on the migrant workers and our economy with a calm and informative tone. His audience would be U.S. citizens unaware of migrant labor.

  16. Aaron Chon

    Aaron Chon
    Ms Keeble
    AP English 11 p2
    08 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s informative speech “Strawberry Fields”, he reveals how migrant laborers suffer from conditions that are not fair. The author uses statistics and accounts that detail the abysmal level that the worker has fallen down to and suffers every day for a living. His purpose is to elaborate upon the troubles that agricultural workers endure, since they are commonly overlooked by the masses or treated as inconsequential. He seems to have an ignorant audience in mind because he describes situations that are much worse than what some people spend their time complaining about, such as the amount of channels that they get on a television, or not being able to attain the latest mobile device.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      That’s good Aaron. You slipped a couple of times–it’s an essay and I need you to be careful of the connotation of words like “ignorant.” How about uninformed? You don’t want ever want to alienate your audience.

  17. Brittany-Ann D.

    Brittany-Ann V. Dela Cruz
    AP English
    8 February 2013

    In his article, “The Strawberry Fields,” Eric Scholar stresses the deficits of strawberry picking on migrant workers. He goes into depth of the intolerable pain workers go through as they spend hours bent backed and getting paid unfairly for their hard work. The poor wages and harsh working conditions target the audience in a compassionate tone to push them in understanding the struggle strawberry pickers tolerate. Scholar is making the effort to use sympathetic appeals to encourage the nation in making safe yet efficient paying jobs.

  18. Desiree N.

    Desiree N.
    Ap English per.5
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s article “In the Strawberry Fields,” he informs his audience of the strenuous work migrants have to do in strawberry fields. Schlosser’s audience is the oblivious folk who don’t know the truth behind Latinos working in fields. He uses the worker’s painful backs and homeless families to make the reader feel sorry for the workers. He also uses the average wages strawberry field workers make which most likely shows how fortunate the reader has it. Schlosser believes the Latino workers work very hard for very a little amount of money and they deserve better.

  19. Sarai Polanco

    Sarai P.
    AP English
    8 February 2013

    In “Strawberry Fields,” the author, Eric Schlosser reveals the multiple struggles for migrant strawberry workers throughout California.Schlosser first presents payment logistics of the workers to expose the beginning of difficulties. Then,he uses the migrant worker’s attitude to alert the reader as to why strawberries are disliked, and how they can lead to health problems. Evidently Schlosser is attempting to reach the people of California to call upon reform for the agricultural industry. The author insuates that the harvest plays in to the vicious cycle of immigration and deportation, due to California’s dependacy on cheap labor.

  20. Rebekah N.

    Rebekah Novak
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English
    7 February 2013

    Author, Eric Schlosser, in his informative article, “Strawberry Fields”, expresses his concern for how Mexican farm workers have long dominated the agricultural labor force in California. Schlosser’s idea is to inform the public not only of the politics behind immigration and migrants workers in California but also of the amount of work it takes for one to do the job of sharecropping on a daily basis with no stable payment plan or guaranteed employment for the next day. The author adopts a scholarly tone throughout the article to appeal to his uneducated audience of the subject as he continuously states the facts proven by the evidence thus leading to the commentary detail.

  21. Alicia Gonzales

    Alicia Gonzales
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11
    6 February 2013
    In the article “Strawberry Fields” by author Eric Schlosser, he spends time explaining to the audience the struggles that migrants have experienced due to working in the strawberry fields. Not only that but he s very informative in terms of explaining details such as wages, hours they work, etc.
    His purpose is to show the reader that this job wasn’t great for them; they struggled in trying to make a living with a job that didn’t pay well. He directs his article toward everybody, and whoever is interested in reading it.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      You’re such a great writer an reader, Alicia. I need you to be aware of “etc.” as an abbreviation. No abbreviations in a formal response.

  22. Rachael B.

    Rachael B.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11, Per. 2
    7 February 2013

    In his online article “Strawberry Fields,” Eric Schlosser illustrates the strenuous, unbeneficial work and harsh conditions migrant farmers face in the modern strawberry field. Schlosser depicts the unfair labor trade through his explanation of the workers’ servitude. He then describes the poor quality of working conditions with facts of the long hours and weather. Schlosser emphasizes the need of support to end the unlawful treatment or gain some stand of equality for these migrant laborers. He wants to convince readers to look deeper into this type of industry and realize that it is necessary to help maintain fair grounds for hard-working immigrants. Schlosser targets a young generation of readers because he informs the history of the migrant farmers and their struggles for a “better life” in America.

  23. Johan Ocegueda

    Johan Ocegueda
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English
    7 Februar 2013
    In “Strawberry Fields,” Eric Schlosser focuses on the migrant worker’s poverty and their unfair wages. He focuses more on informing how life everyday is for Latino workers. He ague’s that these Latino workers need better working conditions and wages. He is trying to open the eyes of those who take everything for granted. For those who don’t know the struggle many people have to go through.

  24. Ryan C.

    Ryan C.
    Ms. Keeble
    Period 1

    In Eric Schlossers’ article, “Strawberry Fields”, he exposes the life of migrants in the states for the public to read. His essay engages the reader to the undesirable conditions that the migrant worker has to go through when working in the states. In doing that gives the reader a better understanding of what a migrant is so the negative thoughts of them are broken. He also gives the reader solutions that politicians came up with to solve these horrible conditions and his descriptions he saw when he interviewed some workers in person.

  25. David D.

    David Delgado
    Ms. Keeble
    Ap English
    Period 2
    07 February 2013
    In Eric Schlosser article “In The Strawberry Fields” he describes how unbearably hard work migrant workers do when picking strawberries with an emotional appeal. He mentions that migrant workers don’t get paid enough and have serious back pain due to bending over so much to pick strawberries. He also uses logical by explaining what type of work migrant workers do and by providing the amount of money the migrant workers get paid by hour. His purpose it to inform his audience about the back breaking work migrants deal with when they pick strawberries. His intended audience is the people who are unaware of the work that the migrant workers deal with.

  26. Kiana Ledda

    Kiana Ledda
    AP English, Period 5
    7, February 2013
    In his online article, “In the Strawberry Fields”, Eric Schlosser addresses the hardships that Latino immigrants have to endure while working in strawberry fields. First, Schlosser discusses the everyday working conditions that are held in the fields. He also explains the background of the immigrant workers and describes what they have to go through off the fields (such as poverty situations). Schlosser is directly speaking to other workers who have better working conditions so that they could realize that they aren’t the only ones who are struggling. His purpose for writing this article is to inform his readers of the harsh working conditions that immigrants don’t get enough credit for.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      Revise, Kiana. This is in passive voice and it gets in the way of your composition. Watch what happens when you revise.

  27. Heather H.

    Heather H.
    Ms. Keeble

    AP English 11: Per 2

    7 January 2013
    With his article “In the Strawberry Fields”, Eric Schlosser reveals the struggles of migrant workers. Schlosser emotionally connects with all those who rely on the labor of these workers by emphasizing the effects of poor wages and physically demanding labor. This article is a call to the nation’s conscience; changes must be made so that all can enjoy the comfort of a secure job with safe, comfortable conditions as well as steady pay and respect.

  28. Oscar G.

    Oscar G.
    Period 1
    In Eric Schlosser’s article, “Strawberry Fields,” Schlosser focuses on how immigrant workers are not making enough money to sustain a family, and deal with poverty everyday. Schlosser manages to stay in an infirmative tone but manage to show some kind of pity in his readers. He does this by addressing the immigrant worker’s rough experiences as he/she pursues to obtain a better future.

  29. Jashleen Singh

    Jashleen Singh

    In Eric Schlosser’s informative essay, The Strawberry Fields, he exposes current working conditions of migrant workers, working in these fields. He uses statistics to support his claims of the unjust treatment of these workers. Also, he uses ethos, forcing the reader to pity and have sympathy for these workers who can possibly work up to 10 hours a day for 2 weeks, and then not work at all. Using ethos, Schlosser drags the reader into his essay out of guilt and curiosity as to how the lives of these migrant workers truly are. His intended audience is the naive population, who are unaware of these situations. His goal is to educate his audience by revealing the truth that occurs in the strawberry fields.

  30. Sidney

    AP English
    February 2013

    Erick Shlosser, an investigative journalist, wrote  “Strawberry Fields”  as well as his well known book Fast Food Nations where he made an impact on people’s perspective of food. The article, “Strawberry Fields” was written in 1995 dealing with the new wave of migration that still goes on today. 
    Schlosser serves as an informant  To those who are unaware of the sacrifice, and difficulty immigrants deal with everyday. Many don’t know or understand the harsh conditions they live in, as well as the dependence the United States has on them so it serves as a purpose to highlight the situation. “Strawberry Fields” looked at the growing reliance on illegal immigrants in the California strawberry industry and vise versa.
      Schlosser seemed Critical when he explained the dependence farm owners had on immigrants, and that he Earnestly cared for the type of life immigrants were/are living.  He uses imagery and studies to help the reader imagine what the immigrant experience is like.  By being forthright with his opinions, and ridiculing the way Americans allow immigrants to live, allows us a better over all understanding. 

  31. Gonzalo Haro

    In Eric Schlosser’s article, “In The Strawberry Fields,” he gives some insight on what migrant farm workers have to deal with on a day to day basis. He depicts harsh working conditions to appeal to the reader’s sense of empathy. He also uses logic and asserts that this issue must be solved carefully by calling out unnecessarily difficult proposals brought up by politicians. His audience is the general public that is oblivious to the conditions that people have to live in in California.

    [[[Totally unrelated, but the new thumbnails will haunt my nightmares for a few months]]]

  32. Diana Larios

    Diana Larios
    AP English 11
    February 7th 2013
    Period : 1

    In his essay, “In the Strawberry Fields”, Eric Schlosser recognizes the hard work that is put in daily by the migrant farm workers in California, and illustrates the hardships and injustices that they endure. His target audience being those who pay little or no attention to these migrant farmer and the injustices they face an also young teens who he advices to help him make a change. Schlosser does an exceptional job in describing how their work hours are way past what we would call normal work hours. He explains that these workers have crowded tents to which is considered their shelter, there are times that there are no shelters. In conclusion, Schlosser emphasizes that if no action is taken then these working conditions will remain the same or worsen with time.

  33. Tanzeel H.

    Tanzeel Hak
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English, Period 2
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s “Strawberry Field,” he accentuates the lives of farmers and what they have to endure for us to have strawberries. The author first makes us feel for the farmers by using sympathy while he explains how farmers have back pain from bending over to pick berries for hours at a time end and that fear radiates among them because one day they can have a job and the next day be unemployed. He even goes on to explain how difficult it is for these migrants to find a place to sleep. Schlosser then gives us facts by mentioning the low wages farmers receive which vary from $4.25 to $10, which can only get them so much. His purpose is to make everyone understand the hardships migrants go through for us to have foods, such as strawberries. Next time we grab a fruit to eat from the store Schlosser wants us to appreciate that we can just go to the store to buy it, but a lot happens behind the scenes for the produce to get there. His audience consists of the unaware population, who don’t realize the obstacles farmers face on a day to day basis for us to have fruits and vegetables.

  34. Jonathan v

    Jonathan V
    Period 1
    Ap Lang and Comp

    The article, “ In the Strawberry Fields” written by Eric Schlosser clearly makes the hardships that migrant workers have to deal with stand out more that the strawberry fields. This Article is clearly supposed to stand out to the general audience that thinks hat immigrant people are here to take their jobs in officer and big companies. This article wants the general audience that has decent jobs to see that they should not be mad that they sit for a job when others have to bend over and pick strawberries. Then after they read this article, they get the sense that it is their responsibility to get these people out of these mediocre jobs that later in life give them back problems and can also lead to skin cancer. His evidence points out a tone that conveys a strong feel of community even though they were not coming from the same place. After reading this article, I realized that it was my duty to do something now because even if we were not in the same community they deserve a chance to be better.

  35. Natasha R.

    Natasha R.
    Ap English
    Period 5
    7 Feburary 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s article, “The Strawberry Fields,” he depicts the working and living conditions of migrant farm workers. The author gives his thoughts on the conditions of these workers when he describes,”hundreds of men and women bent over at the waist, grabbing fruit with both hands.” This image of the laborers shows how these peopple work to get the food to grocery stores. The purpose of this article is to inform people how their food gets to the markets and how much labor is put into it.

  36. Thomas T

    Thomas T
    Ap English
    7 September 2013

    Eric Schlosser’s “Strawberry Fields” explains the hardships immigrant strawberry pickers face. He describes these worker’s the task as one to be as dreadful as it is painful while earning a small income. He also describes the living conditions of the immigrant workers as they live in small houses with a large family or multiple families. He seems to connect to his audience, a younger audience, by educating them on these people’s horrid way of life and uses firsthand accounts to appeal to his audience’s emotions.

  37. Alicia

    Alicia Oseguera
    AP English
    Ms. Keeble
    7 February 2013

    The article, “In the Strawberry Fields” written by Eric Schlosser emphasizes the hardships the migrant workers have to face every day while being a worker picking strawberries. In this article, Schlosser outlines the injustices they have to face by the different kinds of facts included. He targets the American citizens with his staright-forward tone to inspire them to do something about it and fight for these injustices. He uses many evidence to push his audience to take action and help these migrant strawberry workers. He appeals to the audiences sense of reasoning and effictiveness through his use of supporting evidence.

  38. Lizeth Jacinto

    Lizeth Jacinto
    Ap English
    In Eric Schlosser’s essay “Strawberry Fields,”that talks about the struggles of an imgrant worker in the strawberry fields. Schlosser creates the sympathy in readers by using the proverty and the suffrage of the imgrant field worker in California . He discusses the low payment and low housing to put examples of some things that led to poverty.He provides he medical conditions such as back problems that a immgrant suffer to show that the younger they are the more efficient they become and the olders losse skills.

  39. Ross Hatlen

    In Eric Schlosser’s, informative exposĂŠ on migrant workers “In the Strawberry Fields,” he discusses the unjust treatment of migrant farmworkers. To incite an entire nation to take action to help the farmers, Schlosser uses statistics to explain how bad the workers are paid. He also uses firsthand experiences to show the dire living conditions of the farmers. Schlosser wants his audience to rise up, and help out the people that harvest their strawberries.

  40. Raymond P

    Raymond P.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s “In The Strawberry Fields”(1995), he discourses about the Mexican workers and how they live in poverty and their wages. He asserts the audience with depth that the average Picker makes ten dollars or less and that the workers have to find somewhere to sleep on their own. His purpose for this is to inform the people in America to know the harsh conditions and poverty the Mexicans are living by. Schlosser’s hopes to unveil these conditions and to oblivious people.

  41. Valeria Diaz

    Valeria Diaz
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English
    Period 5
    7 January 2013
    The areticle ‘In The Strawberry Fields’ by Eric Schlosser, argues that the migrant workers are not earning what they are suppose to. Schlosser explains the workers are in poverty and do not have good living conditions by keeping his tone straigh foward and effective. His background informathion on La Fruta del Diablo informs readers how workers get back disabilities and are in serious pain with out being able to get medical help. He argues how it is unfair for hard working people to not get enough payment and wishes for his readers to understand more about people who work on strawberry fields.

  42. Dominique N

    Dominique Negrette
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English 11 Per 2
    7 December 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s article “In the Strawberry Fields” he discusses and addresses the enduring working conditions of Latino immigrant laborers who have to work in the fields. Schlosser tries to persuade his audience to acknowledge the difficulties of these workers by using statics to inform his audience about the conditions they face every day of their lives. Schlosser also uses rhetorical strategies, such as sharing personal stories about the immigrants themselves, to appeal to the audience’s emotions by using descriptive imagery, details, and language. Her tone of the article is informative, which helps support her purpose of the article which is to address the conditions of these immigrant workers to the audience, where he hopes to deliver the message as interesting and insightful.

  43. Jasmine J

    Jasmine J
    Ms. Keeble
    AP Lang. & Composition, Per. 5
    7 February 2013

    In the article “In the Strawberry Fields,” author Eric Schossler suggests that Mexican farm workers deal with petrifying working conditions. He asserts this with multiple types of data in which he’s collected over time from several different sources. He’s attempting to expose these terrible conditions many Mexican farmers endure.

  44. Jessica A

    Jessica A.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP Lang. & Composition, Per. 5
    7 February 2013

    In Eric Schossler’s article “In the Strawberry Fields,” he suggests that the conditions that Mexican farm workers have to endure are abysmal. The author conveys his assertion with numerous accounts of data he has collected from multiple fields and housing complexes for the farmers. His purpose is to inform the unaware public of the conditions masses of individuals face on a daily basis because of the unjust system put forth in fields.

  45. Efrain E.

    Efrain E.
    Period 1
    AP English

    In his essay, “In Strawberry Fields,” Eric Schlosser reveals the hardships that migrant farm workers in California face on a day to day basis. Schlosser begins by giving his audience a brief explanation of the kind of work migrants do in strawberry fields. He describes the backbreaking labor and decrepit shelters that migrant live with. He then goes deeper into the farming industry of California by describing the dependency that employers and farm workers have on each other. Schlosser uses facts and appeals to human sympathy in order to convince his audience that harvesting strawberries is one of the most labor intensive and yet financially fruitless jobs in the world. His essay is targeted at a younger audience; he gives a summary of the history of migrant farm workers, which seems to serve the purpose of educating younger readers who may not have been alive during those times. He achieves his purpose using facts that are both appalling and enlightening, and he calls for a change in the habits and actions that have caused the mutual dependency between employer and migrant farm worker.

  46. Rachel N.

    Rachel N.
    Ms. Keeble
    AP English Language & Composition
    8 February 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s online article, “Strawberry Fields,” he delineates the current conditions of the average strawberry migrant worker. The author first portrays their environment by illustrating the painstaking work that workers have to do. Then the author gives us facts of how the worker’s hours are always capricious and how their housing is often crowded or even nonexistent. To conclude, Schosser emphasizes that if we don’t take action these conditions will remain the same. His purpose is to persuade us to not become slaves to this corrupt market, but instead to fight against it for equality. Schosser seems to have young adults as his audience because he encourages them to take action by voting for the betterment of migrant worker jobs.

  47. Alexia G. (period 1)

    In his essay, “In the Strawberry Fields”, Eric Schlosser acknowledges the toil that strawberry pickers face. His targeted audiences are economists and those who do not realize the pain of strawberry fields. Schlosser first gives background information about the job then explains how it is performed. He also includes anecdotes that show the effect strawberry picking has on your health, the economy and wages. He mentions that the bending over can lead to disabilities; the pay depends on the market and rate of picking. Schlosser’s tone is peacful and informative to be sure the purpse is eluciated. He presents his essay this way to give the audience a frank understanding of what a strawberry picker faces. He hopes to gain not sympathy, but recognition of the cruel labor.

  48. Elisha Hussain

    Elisha Hussain
    AP English 11, Period: 5
    Ms. Keeble
    February 5, 2013

    In Eric Schlosser’s informative speech, he asserts the importance and hardwork of the immigrants who pick strawberries. The author first uses emotional appeal to open our eyes to show us all of the difficulties that the immigrant farmers have to face. He also, uses logical appeal to probe into History, and presents us with the fatcual information that we thought once was false. Schlosser’s purpose is to inform not only us, buyt the future generation about the back-breaking tasks that these immigrants have to do in order to help them be aware and maybe probe them into starting a petition.He seems to have a younger audience in mind, because he goes back into History and explains all of the events that have led up to the immigrant farmers today. Schlosser did a wonderful job explaining everything that immigrants have to go through.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      Good job Elisha. Be careful of the colloquialisms like “have to go through?” It’s conversational. Keep it formal. How about “experience”?

  49. Veronica

    Feb. 6, 2013
    AP English

    In Eric Schlosser’s article, “The Strawberry Fields,” he discusses how migrant workers don’t get paid fairly which leads to poor living environments and have to live with back pain due to their stances for many hours. He also explains if a factory hires an immigrant worker, then the whole system would have to rely on immigrant workers to keep farm wages low and replace any other workers. His purpose is to inform others on what these migrant workers have to go through in order to find a job by having a calm tone. His audience are those who aren’t aware of how migrant workers have to earn a living.

    1. tashak38 (Post author)

      Good job, Veronica. I need you to tell me what kind of rhetorical strategy he is using when he shares those details…Is he describing in vivid detail? Hint, hint.

      1. Veronica

        Feb.12, 2013
        AP English

        In Eric Schlosser’s article, “The Strawberry Fields,” he discusses how migrant workers don’t get paid fairly which leads to poor living environments and have to live with back pain due to their stances for many hours. He also explains if a factory hires an immigrant worker, then the whole system would have to rely on immigrant workers to keep farm wages low and replace any other workers. His purpose is to inform others on what these migrant workers have to endure in order to find a job by describing in vivid detail. His audience are those who aren’t aware of how migrant workers have to earn a living.

  50. Dartise

    Feb. 6, 2013
    Ap English

    In Eric Schlosser’s, “Strawberry Fields,” he mainly talks about how migrant workers aren’t making any money and are in poverty. His tone is informative and calm when he describes what is happening in the Latino community. His purpose is to inform people that the migrant workers need better pay and safer living conditions. His audience are those who aren’t aware of the obstacles migrants have to endure.


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