September 28

House on Mango Street 1

Choose one quote from each of the vignettes: 1) “Kathy Queen of Cats,” 2) “Our Good Day” and 3) “Laughter” that you think is highly important to the novella.  Once you write the quote, explain why you think it’s important. 

Example:  1) “Two girls raggedy as rats live across the street.” (12) This is important because Cathy is showing us how she judges the other people in the neighborhood.  It shows how everyone in the neighborhood does not get along.   


Now you finish.  Choose 3 of your own quotes.

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Posted September 28, 2011 by tashak38 in category Uncategorized

About the Author

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area--Big Up to the East Bay

59 thoughts on “House on Mango Street 1

  1. Lizette D Hernandez(:

    ” if you give me five dollars i will be your friend for ever ”

    I think this quote is important because it’s saying that she does’t really care about the friendship she just wants the money. 😀 aha

  2. Dwayne

    you want a friend? she says. okay I,ll be your friend.

    I don,t tell them about Nenny just yet.” my ham is lucyithe big one says this her is lucy my sister”.

    ”hook at that houseI said it look like mexico

  3. Richel

    1)“You want a friend? she says. Okay I’ll be your friend. Only till next tuesday. Thats when we move away.” (15)
    I think this quote is important because its trying to say she’ll be friends with you until she moves away . i also think its stupid because isnt friendship suppose to last a long time ?
    2)“If you give me five dollars I will be your friend forever.”
    this is important because money could buy people’s friendship sometimes .
    3)”one day we were passing a house that looked, in my mind, like a house i had seen in mexico”
    its important because is giving a flashback to the character.

  4. Nick aka awesome sauce

    1.”Then as if she forgot I just moved in, she says the neighborhood is getting bad”(13)
    I think is important because, it has shown its readers that poeple judge almost anything at first glance.
    2.”Cathy is tugging my arm and I know whatever to do next will make her mad forever”(15)
    I think is important to the the story because, even though this will make her mad she knows she has to be honest with her self and follow her own actions no matter the consequence
    3.”Nenny and I don’t look like sisters . . . not right away”(17)
    She is saying that she, in her own opinion, doesn’t think that they have any resemblnace. Or at least not yet.

  5. Jerome Ares

    1) “You want a friend? she says. Okay I’ll be your friend. Only till next tuesday. Thats when we move away.” (15)
    This is the one I think is important because she’s telling her that she’ll only be her friend until they move away. I think thats pretty stupid cause distance doesn’t matter to me and I’m friends with people who live far away.

    2)”If you give me five dollars, I’ll be your friend forever.” (14) This shows that the person is messed up. He’ll only be friends with her if only she gives the person five dollars. Thats not right because you can’t buy friendship.

    3) “One day we were passing a house that looked, in my mind, like houses I had seen in Mexico.” (17) This shows that the narrator still thinks of her old house. She misses it and she’ll never forget about it.

  6. Blanca

    1.) “Benny & Blanca own the corner store.”(12)
    This is important cause it means that they need money & they’re doing what they can.

    2.)”Five dollars is cheap since I don’t have any friends except Cathy who is only my friend till Tuesday.”(14)
    This is important because she’ll do whatever she can to get friends.

    3.)”Look at that house I said, it looks like Mexico.”(18)
    This is important because it shows that she has memories that are big & pop out.

  7. Cecilia

    CathyQueen of cats “Cathy who is gueen of cats has cats and cats and cats”. (13) Cathy has a lot of cats in her buiding.

    Our Good Day “But everybody want to ride it today to ride it today because the bike is new, so we decide to take turns after tomorrow”. (15) Cathy didnt what to stay so she came back tomorrow.

    Laughter “One day we were passing a house that looked, in my mind, like houses I had seen in Mexico”. (17) It look like that Cathy rember in her dream or she was bron in Mexico.

  8. jose

    1)”There was nothing about the house that looked exactly like the houses I remembered.”(17)I think this quote is important cause over the time she wasnt their every thing changed and she doesnt remeber like beeing like that.

    2)”But finally we agree to ride it together.”(15)I think this quote is important because it shows how thier tring not to fight.

    3)”You want a friend,she says.Okay I’ll be your friend.”(13)I think is important because she is tring to help Cathy to have new friends and not feel alone.

  9. Breanna Evans

    #1 “In the meantime they’ll just have to move a little farther north from Mango Street every time people like us keep moving in.” This is important because it shows how Cathy Queen of cats thinks she’s better than everyone on Mango Street even then she’s not.

    #2 “If you give me five dollars I will be your friend forever.” This qoute is important beacase it aplies to the American dream of how you can buy almost anything,even friendship.

    #3 ” ‘Look at that house’,I said,’It looks like Mexico.’ ” This is important because it shows how Esparanza views things and her opinion of how Mexico looks.

  10. Elizabeth Vancil

    1.) “Then as if she forgot I just moved in, she says the neighborhood is getting bad.” (13) I think this is important to the story because it shows that some people forget who they are talking to and what they are talking to them about.
    2.) “Cathy is tugging my arm and I know whatever I do next will make her mad forever.” (15) This is important to the story because she knows what she’s about to do will make Cathy mad but she carries on with her choice because she wants to and she doesn’t care that it will make her upset.
    3.) “Nenny and I don’t look like sisters… not right away.” (17) This is saying that at a first glance you wouldn’t think that her and Nenny were sisters because they have little resemblance to each other.

  11. Crystal G

    1. “Okay, ill be your freind . But only til next Tuesday” (13)
    To me I think that she doesnt realy want to be her friend that much and that shes moving to a different place because she doesnt like where she living at the moment.
    2. “If you give me 5 dollars Ill be your freind forever” (14) To me I think its just a way to get money
    from someone and not realy be their freind at all and to make fast friends if you dont have any at all.

    3. “Look at that house, I said, it looks like Mexico” (18)
    I think it means that they think they live in a poor nieghborhood and they dont have any money.

  12. Antone'J

    CathyQC: “Then as if she forgot I just moved in, she says the neighborhood is getting bad.” (13)
    This is important because it shows how Cathy was being judgemental.

    OGD: “Rachel, Lucy, me. Our new bike. Laughing the crooked ride back.” (16)
    This is important because it shows how much fun they had with the bike.

    L: “There was nothing about the house that looked exactly like the houses I remembered.” (18)
    This is important because the house may not have looked like the ones in Mexico it still remined her of it.

  13. shaofu c

    1. “Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats.” This is important because it shows how crazy she is. It also shows that she is the cat lady.(13)

    2.”If you give me five dollars I will be your friend forever.” This shows what people would say and do for money. Also it shows that there like bad friends if they ask for money.(14)

    3.”One day we were passing a house that looked,in my mind, like the house I had seen in Mexico.” This shows that no matter what your memorys aren’t going anywhere. This shows that when you love something or seen something that is stucked in your mind you will remember it when youm see something familar to it.(17)

  14. Elizabeth Vancil

    1.) “Then as if she forgot I just moved in, she says the neighborhood is getting bad.” I think this is important to the story because it shows that some people forget who they are talking to and what they are talking to them about.
    2.) “Cathy is tugging my arm and I know whatever I do next will make her mad forever.” This is important to the story because she knows what she’s about to do will make Cathy mad but she carries on with her choice because she wants to and she doesn’t care that it will make her upset.
    3.) “Nenny and I don’t look like sisters… not right away.” This is saying that at a first glance you wouldn’t think that her and Nenny were sisters because they have little resemblance to each other.

  15. Nick aka awesome sauce

    1.”Then as if she forgot I just moved in, she says the neighborhood is getting bad”
    I think is important because, it has shown its readers that poeple judge almost anything at first glance.
    2.”Cathy is tugging my arm and I know whatever to do next will make her mad forever”
    I think is important to the the story because, even though this will make her mad she knows she has to be honest with her self and follow her own actions no matter the consequence
    3.”Nenny and I don’t look like sisters . . . not right away”
    She is saying that she, in her own opinion, doesn’t think that they have any resemblnace. Or at least not yet.

  16. Andy Park

    1)”Alicia is stuck-up ever since she went to college.” (12) This is important because it shows that when you get older and if you live a spoiled life, you will turn out to be stuck-up for reasons to be mean or trying to be cool.
    2)”If you give me five dollars i’ll be your friend forever.”(14) This is important because it tells that kids can be spoiled because of money.
    3)”Im not even sure why I thought it, but it seemed to feel right.”(18) This is important because all people have different opinions.

  17. Myah Page

    #1. “She lives upstairs, over there, next door to Joe the baby-grabber” -It is important because it shows how close danger really could be in a neighborhood.

    #2.”If you give you five dollars i will be your friend forever.” -This is important because this lets you know if someone is friends with you for you or what you have and/or could do for them.

    #3.”Not the shy ice cream bells’ giggle of Rachel and Lucy’s family, but all of a sudden and suprised like a pile of dishes breaking.” -This is very important because everyone is quick to compare anything they could, even laughter. It shows how competitive people actually are without even noticing their competitiveness.

  18. Andy Park

    1)”Alicia is stuck-up ever since she went to college.” (12) This is important because it shows that when you get older and if you live a spoiled life, you will turn out to be stuck-up for reasons to be mean or trying to be cool.
    2)”If you give me five dollars ill be your friend forever.”(14) This is important because it tells that kids can be spoiled because of money.
    3)”Im not even sure why i thought it, but it seemed to feel right.”(18) This is important because all people have different opinions.

  19. Geraldine

    1)”Okay, I’ll be your friend.But only till next Tuesday.” (13) This is important because it shows how rude some kids can be when trying to make friends and also if a kid thinks their better then everyone.
    2) “Their clothes are cooked and old.” (14) This is important because it shows that not everyones rich and can afford nice thing.Also they must live in a poor neighborhood.
    3)”Im not even sure why i thought it, but it seemed to feel right.” (18) This seems important because people can feel a certain way about something but dosnt always mean its exactly the same feeling to other people. Ceratain things can just trigger a memory to someone and it dosnt even have to have similaritys to it.

  20. Crystal G

    1. “Okay, ill be your freind . But only til next Tuesday” (13)
    To me i think that she doesnt realy want to be her friend that much and that shes moving to a different place because she doesnt like where she living at the moment.
    2. “If you give me 5 dollars ill be your freind forever” (14) To me i think its just a way to get money
    from someone and not realy be their freind at all and to make fast friends if you dont have any at all.

    3. “Look at that house, i said, it looks like Mexico” (18)
    I think it means that they think they live in a poor nieghborhood and they dont have any money.

  21. gillermina

    1) “Cathy is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats.”(13) I think its important because thats what the vignette is about

    2) “Five dollars is cheap since I don’t have any friends except Cathy who is only my friend till tuesday.”(14) I think its important because we at least thats what the vignette is about

    3) “Not the shy ice cream bells’ giggle of Rachel and Lucy’s family, but all of a suddenand surprised like a pile of dishes breaking.”(17) i thik its important because that shows what the

  22. shaofu c

    1. “Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats.”This is important because it shows how crazy she is.It also shows that she is the cat lady.(13)

    2.”if you give me five dollars i will be your friend forever.”This shows what people would say and do for money.Also it shows that there like bad friends if they ask for money.(14)

    3.”One day we were passing a house that looked,in my mind,like the house i had seen in Mexico.”This shows that no matter what your memorys aren’t going anywhere.This shows that when you love something or seen something that is stucked in your mind you will remember it when youm see something familar to it.(17)

  23. Laurel

    1) “She lives upstairs, over there, next door to Joe the baby grabber.”(12) This is important because it shows how her neighborhood is a bad and ghetto place to live in.
    2) “If you give me five dollars I will be your friend forever.” (14) This is important because it shows she doesn’t have many friends where she lives and she wants some friends.
    3) “But me and Nenny, we are more alike than you would know.” (17) This is important because she says they look so different, but really are alike by their emotions and the way they act.

  24. Dyanne

    1)”Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats.”-This sentence is what the vignette is about.
    2)”Five dollars is cheap since I don’t have any friends except Cathy who is only my friend till Tuesday.”-This sentence is important because that is what the vignette is about.
    3)”Not the shy ice cream bells’ giggle of Rachel and Lucy’s family, but all of a sudden and surprised like a pile of dishes breaking.”- This sentence is important because it’s talking about thier laughter.

  25. Angel

    1)”I am the great great grand cousin of the queen of France.”(12)
    I think this is important because it shows how cocky she is.
    2)”If you give me 5 dollars i will be your friend forever.”(14)
    I think this important because it shows what people would do just to be your friend.
    3)”Yes thats Mexico alright.”(18)
    I think this is important because it shows how they know Mexico so much.

  26. Mark DelCastillo

    1) “Cathy Queen of cats”
    “She says, I am the great great grand cousin of the queen of france.”(12)- I chose this quote because she is trying to show off this lie.
    2)”Our Good Day”
    “If you give me five dollars I will be your friend forever.”(14)- I chose this quote because she is trying to buy friendship with otherpeople.
    “one day we were passing a house that looked, in my mind, like houses I had seen in Mexico.”(17)-I chose this quote because I think the house she had seen looked like her house in Mexico

  27. leonardo

    1]”You want a friend,she says.Okay I’ll be your friend.”
    It shows how fast you can make friends when you move in.
    2]”If you give me 5 dollars I will be your friend forever.”
    This shows how fast you can make fake friends and just for people to get something out of being your friend.
    3]”Look at the house, I said, it looks like Mexico.”
    This shows how things can remind you of your country.

  28. vk

    Cathy Queen of Cats
    1) ” I am the great great cousin of the queen of France”. I think it is importent to know that she is the great great cousin of the queen of France.
    Our Good Day
    2)”If you give me five dollers i will be your friend forever”. this is importent because it shows that people do not get along in the niaborhood.
    3)”One day we were passing a house that looked,in my mind,like houses i had seen in Mexico”.this shows that they miss living in mexico.

  29. Antone'J

    CathyQC: “Then as if she forgot i just moved in, she says the neighborhood is getting bad.” (13)
    This is important because it shows how Cathy was being judgemental.

    OGD: “Rachel,Lucy, me.our new bike.laughing the crooked ride back.” (16)
    This is important because it shows how much fun they had with the bike.

    L: “There was nothing about the house that looked exactly like the houses i remembered.” (18)
    This is important because the house may not have looked like the ones in mexico it still remined her of it.

  30. Angel

    1)”I am the great great grand cousin of the queen of france.”(12)
    I think this is important because it shows how cocky she is.
    2)”If you give me 5 dollars i will be your friend forever.”(14)
    I think this important because it shows what people would do just to be your friend.
    3)”Yes thats mexico alright.”(18)
    I think this is important because it shows how they know mexico so much.

  31. Linda O.

    “She lives upstairs, over there, next door to Joe the baby-grabber.” , I think this is important because she’s warning someone to stay away from him.(12)

    “Don’t talk to them, says Cathy. Can’t you see they smell like a broom.” , I think this quote is important because it shows how she doesn’t care about a person apperance she cares about their personality. (14)

    “Rachel and Lucy who have the same fat popsicle lips like everybody else in their family.” , This is important because you don’t have to look like someone to be related to them. (17)

  32. ashley louive

    #1:”Alicia is stuck-up ever since she went to college.” (p.12) This is important because it shows just how much people can change.
    #2:”If you give me five dollars i will be your friend forever.” (p.14) This is important because alot of people are fake and say stuff like that and really mean it. I wish people would just ask for something instead of making a false promise.
    #3:”Nenny and i don’t look like sisters…not right away.” (p.17) This quote is important because everyone is always judged by their appearance instead of what really matters. Me and my sister look nothing alike and everybody makes that clear, but if you spend some time with the two of us then you will see that we are very much alike.

  33. diane d.

    1) “… i am the great great grand cousin ot the queen of France.” (12) this quote is important because it shows what cathy thinks of herself. she thinks that she’s all that but she’s actually a weido.

    2) “If you give me 5 dollars i will be your friend forever.” (14) this quote is important because it shows how desprete the girl is to have 5 dollars for a bike

    3) “One day we were passing by a house and it looked like Mexico.” (17) this quote is important because they think that they live in a poor neighborhood like Mexico.

  34. Marc S.

    Quotes: “Cathy Queen of Cats”
    -“Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats” (13)
    – It connects to the Vignette name
    “Our Good Day”
    -“And I wish my name was Cassandra or Alexis or Maritza-anythingbut Esperanza-…”(15)
    -It shows how she doesnt really like her name, and she prefer other names.
    -“One day we were passing a house that looked, in my mind, like houses i had seen in Mexico.”
    -This is important because, even though she hates her name she misses her own country, and it felt right for her.

  35. Desiree

    ”look at that house,I said,it looks like Mexico.” It is important because maybe their house looks like their home in Mexico.

  36. angelina

    “Alicia’s been stuck up ever since she went to college” this is important because it shows how people change during college.

  37. Alba Dominguez

    1) “you want a friend, she says. okey, ill be your friend.”
    I think thats important because thats some thing that caty wants & needs, a friend.
    2) “but finally we agree to ride it together.”
    This quote is important because it shows how all the kids in the begining they were fighting for the bike and later on they decided to take turns with it.

  38. willie

    Cathy Queen of Cats
    “Benny and Blanca own the corner store.” It show they are trying to make a living.
    Our Good Day
    “she trying to chip in so they can buy a bicycle from a kid name Tito.” They like to work for stuff.
    “look at the house i said it look like mexico.” it show stuff look big.

  39. Krystal Damian

    1)”Alicia’s stuck up every since she went to college”
    2)”Give me 5 i’ll be your friend”
    3)”One day we were passing a house that looked like a house i seen in mexico”

  40. zariah evans

    “Alicia been stuck up ever since she went college” this is important because it shows how people change during college.

  41. Juan

    I pick “Our Good Day” because it sems to me that she made new friends in that chapter…But it also seems that the chapter was mostly importent because she putted alot of details into it..

  42. Carolina Montoya

    “Rachel and Lucy look at me like i’m crazy but before they can let out a laugh” pg.18

    “My name was Cassandra or Alexis or Maritza anything but Ezperanza….” pg.15

    “She says the neighborhood is getting bad” pg.13

  43. luishuesso

    this book is important because it tells about a poor family and how they are living threw all the stuff that is going on in there lifes.

    1]alicias stuck up ever since she went to college
    2]thats when we moved away
    3]she said,the neighborhood is bad

  44. Eddy Huesso

    1)”Alicias stuck up ever since she went to college”
    2)”Mr. Benny’s Grocery on the corner, down the avenue which is dangerous.”
    3)”There was nothing about the house that looked exactly like the houses I remembered.”


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